brulaz wrote:
Mike Up wrote:
Those are flywheel specs, why not an actual dyno as this. That is exactly how the Eco's power felt. Same climbs, same drop offs that I experienced.
Obviously in loaded situation with towing, the lower rpm build up will be better since loading is going on with the engine working to pull a trailer.
Have never understood those graphs.
So when I'm towing at 1600 rpm (with either the 5L or the EcoB), I'm using zero HP ??
Looks like they are not using the EcoB's turbo at the low end at all ... But I know I am at 1600 rpm with the trailer.
Dynamometer testing is different from real world experiences due to limitations of the test environment. The Dyno drum that is turned by the wheels on the vehicle to measure power is weighted heavily. If you tried to go full throttle from a stop, the tires simply slip on the drum, resulting in erroneous measurements. This is why the dyno is always brought up to speed before measuring is begun. Many 'full range' pulls on the dyno are completed in 3rd gear, but this isn't always the case.