Forum Discussion

brooks379's avatar
Dec 26, 2014

2014 Ford 6.7

This might not be the right forum but.....Does the sensor that tells when to change your motor oil change when you run a different oil than what the truck came with ?

I changed the oil at 5000 miles and started using Shell Rotella T-6 5 w 40 full syn. The 5 w 40 has 7000 mi on it and the info center is telling me to change oil soon which I will. Just wondering if I was using Ford oil how many miles until I got the change oil soon message....More or less miles or does the sensor determine it? Guess I'm wondering how that works.

If it is standard now days to go 5000 to 7000 miles on conventional oil I thought I could get about 8ooo mile with a full synthetic oil.