Forum Discussion

jeeperdude10's avatar
Feb 18, 2016

2016 Canyon 4 down

I am in the process of getting a new Motor home and want to tow a 2016 GMC canyon 4x4, 4 down....what is necessary for me to do so.?
  • The usually stuff, tow bars, cables, break away, braking system. You'll have to disconnect the negative battery post on the Canyon and use the MH to power the brake and brake away if you go that route. A seven to 6 cord powers the Canyon. I just ran new wire to the rear tail lights and installed new bulbs which only work off the MH.
    In short, I bypassed the entire electric system in the Canyon.
    So far so good. You might print out the directions on the Canyon owners manual as to putting it into and out of N transfer case. They can be a little picky sometimes.
  • Don't take this wrong, but the best source of info will be your owners manual. U may have to disconnect something but the manual will tell you.