I will never buy new or a unit that has composite siding ever again...the OP is lucky...really lucky. Had this been 5 years old...you would have been shown the door. They are all in it for profit...period. I don't care who says who builds the best...I have been turned away myself on a delam issue by supposedly one of the best...between my dealer and the factory. Who wants to pay for a defective product and wait months to have it fixed? Build a tiny home with replaceable siding or any RV you can repair yourself is where I'm at with an issue like this these days. Be warned and learn something here...this is a great real world experience. OK I feel better now...lol. No but in short, be prepared to carry the burden and encumbrance of having to pay to have it fixed...it happens all the time to good people...and not all turn out this way.