Fourkidletts wrote:
Thank you all for your replies! I think renting a trailer at that weight is an excellent idea. I found a local rv rental place that rents an TT that's within a couple of pounds of the one I'm looking at. It's a foot or two longer but I'm hoping it will still give us a good idea of what it would be like. We are going to rent it sometime, load it up and camp locally and see what happens. Thanks for the idea, and for all the feedback. I'm sure I'll have more questions as we go along. :) Happy New Year to all, and Happy Camping.
If you like the trailers floor plan you want get it!!!
You will be within all your trucks specs as long as you dont put over 500lbs in the bed of the truck. Keep that number a little number and you are golden. Get a good weight distribution hitch and hit the road.
I for one am COMPLETELY against renting a trailer to get a towing feel.
Every trailer tows differently no matter the weight...that's a fact
Will the trailer rental company be there on the road with you to dial in the weight distribution hitch like you could if it were your own trailer? I think not and that's the biggest downfall. Any trailer can tow completely night and day different with a poorly set up WDH and a close to perfectly set WDH. You may rent a trailer and absolutely hate the way it pulls because the hitch isn't set correctly and then you will have many doubts. Unless renting a class A B or C just to go on a trip in renting a pull behind to get a feel I think is some of the worst advice ever IMHO.