Forum Discussion

  • Perrysburg Dodgeboy wrote:
    Nice commercial, Ford does have the best in one thing.......and that's marketing! :W

    BTY I'll give it a 1 out of 5 kernels of popcorn. :W

    It' obvious not a big marketing campaign, but more like throw a sign up, put some engines on display and drive some trucks off road on someone's ranch. But yeah the kernels don't get a high rating.
  • Nice commercial, Ford does have the best in one thing.......and that's marketing! :W

    BTY I'll give it a 1 out of 5 kernels of popcorn. :W
  • I'll give 1.5 kernels out of 5 kernels of popcorn.

    I thought the dialogue was forced, the special effects were 1960s'ish, the start up of great grandpa's pick-up was lip-synched. The bright orange T-shirts was a poor attempt at yellow for lemons. Disney's Mater looked better!
