ceasare wrote:
Ordered a new 2018 gas 2500 HD Chevy aalmost 2 months ago. I was a told it was supposed to be ready this week. Now I found out they won’t build it until 6/16 and it will be a 2019 instead of 2018. Don’t even get me started on the conversation I had with the dealer about I’m not paying anymore and I also just lost the $2500 rebate on the 18’s. That talk wouldn’t make with through the moderators.lol Anyhow I cant even find any info about the 19’s. Anybody have any thoughts?
Every incentive or rebate offer I have ever seen from any of the big 3 is clearly listed in the fine print as available on "in dealer stock units only". The 2500 and up GM's almost never have a rebate or incentive regardless.
Every time I have ordered a vehicle I had a sales order printed and signed by both parties which listed all the numbers. That's a contract. If you have one that's lists the $2500 rebate then the dealer should honor it the model year or terms of the rebate notwithstanding, his loss. If the dealer does not honor it you probably don't want to do business with said dealer anyway. If you do not have a written agreement then good luck. Nothing you can do about it. Are you going to hire a litigator and go after a deep pocketed dealer? Good luck also with that.