Forum Discussion

DarylP's avatar
Aug 27, 2019

2019 Keystone 330RL Rear Wall Delamination

I purchased a new camper this spring and the list of issues with it gets longer and longer every time we camp. The biggest is the rear wall is coming off the camper. Keystone told me this was normal for road movement. I told them it wasn't this way when I purchased the unit, and they told me that if it's not leaking don't worry about it. This is a HUGE concern of mine. With only a year warranty I don't want it to start leaking in 1 year and a day. I'm guessing they don't want nothing to do with it because it's not an easy fix. I also don't want them to have more water issues after they try to fix it. Has anyone had this same issue and any other issues dealing with Keystone?
  • I have a 2011 Outback with the big picture window with small windows. Keystone told me same thing about 100,000 miles ago and it has worked fine the whole time.
    The problem I had was in the outdoor kitchen. The lid leaked and it was poorly caulked. We never used the thing and by the time we noticed it leaking the floor was damaged.
  • librty02 wrote:
    Keystones rear walls are hung from the rafter above and float. They are not and will not be solid like the laminated sidewalls.

    I have had two Keystone Passport travel trailers (2017 and now a 2019) and I agree with the statement above. The heat does make them bulge a little at times. So far, both have been solid travel trailers with minimal issues compared to other brands I have owned.
  • can someone tell me how to add a picture to my post? i'm new at this.
  • can you post some pics? i have this exact same year and model. it might give me a comparison to look at. we have had ours since november of 2019. we had a window leak in the kitchen slide that i discovered myself was due to faulty installation that only showed itself when i took apart the window frame. couldn't see it during pdi
  • So why would it just start to bow out now? It is bad, It is out with 1" - 2" of play, and I feel like if the ladder and window wasn't there it would come off. I'm afraid of opening the window.
  • Keystones rear walls are hung from the rafter above and float. They are not and will not be solid like the laminated sidewalls.