Forum Discussion

Abbadox's avatar
May 27, 2019

2019 Ram Rebel or 2500 ?

I wil be buying my first travel trailer soon and am currently trying to decide which truck to get. I prefer the look and style of the Ram Rebel but not sure if I would be better off going with a 2500 series instead. The trailer I will be buying is the East To West Della Terra 25KRB.
  • Buy or select the trailer first. Then match a truck to it. Think “payload” first as MLF suggested.
  • Since you are new to the forum, you may not realize that this could be called "you need a bigger truck forum", but yes, most times a HD truck, such as the 2500, will make a better tow vehicle. Many 1/2 ton later model trucks are very capable pullers, just check that the payload is up to the task.

  • Looks to be about a 7500 lb. GVWR, I'd go with the 2500.

    I'd buy the truck that will haul your NEXT trailer. There will always be a "next" trailer if you stick with this RV'ing thing, and it will be bigger and longer and heavier.