hone eagle wrote:
ib516 wrote:
I know this is a commercial, but he says the run the Hemi at WOT @ 5600 RPM for 200 hrs at a time....and people here worry about climbing a grade at WOT and high RPM for a few seconds or minutes.
5.7L Hemi Dyno testing
I agree nothing to worry about ..... but I STILL dont want to listen to it.
not even for 5 minutes
I used to never understand that thought process. Now I know that is because the majority of my towing has been done with a diesel.
Now, probably 50% of the time, I tow my 7000 pound boat with a GM 6.2 (still use my diesel all the time with the RV, and quite a bit with the boat. The GM has plenty of power for that job, but I will say that the higher RPMs take some getting used to. I know from plenty of reading, and looking at HP/TQ charts, that the higher RPM is nothing to worry about. But even though I know that is the case, I still find myself trying to force the engine back into a higher gear when it downshifts to 4th on what seems like only a gradual hill.
All else being equal, I would likely prefer some sort of forced induction on a gas engine. To me, lower RPMs does equal a more pleasant driving experience. Especially when you are on a longer haul.