mich800 wrote:
FishOnOne wrote:
mich800 wrote:
FishOnOne wrote:
So the E Torque generator/motor is assisting the engine via the serpentine belt?
Yes. Where most will notice it is during stop starting. No more shaking restarts. It is very smooth and seamless restarting.
Interesting.... I suppose this is going to be a standard feature?
Not sure about a standard feature. I think most will not even realize it is there. For me the real benefit is fixing the biggest complaint of the stop/start function which is the abrupt and sometimes harsh restarts. These do not feel like a gas golf cart restarting like many other vehicles. It is very smooth and with the radio on I wouldn't be surprised is some didn't even realize the vehicle shut off at a light.
I'm not a fan of the stop/start feature in which another make is a simple mod on the back of the connector to bypass (which I certainly would do), but I guess with this type of system you won't be able to bypass easily unless you modify the code. Also it seams there's a lot of load being applied to the serpentine belt, but I guess it works. I'll be interesting to see it implemented never the less.
I do like the idea of 48VDC available.