Forum Discussion

Joker997's avatar
Jul 27, 2014

235SRG Antigua Repair

Good Day,

Own a Antigua 235SRG. On the pop-outs, I have several thimbles that have broken due to UV damage.

I've looked them over, but can't determine how they are attached. I think it's rivets, but maybe screws.

Anyone had experience with these? If so, what am I in for?

Thank you for the assistance.

  • Exactly right! I would use a 1/8" bit and drill right in the center. The head should drop off and the thimble, or what's left of it should come off in your hand. The bit left in the bunk may fall out, fall down inside the door, or may possibly need to be removed some other way (drill, pliers, pick...). Good luck!
  • Here's a stupid question:

    How do drill the head off the rivet?By using a smaller diameter drill bit, I assume?

    And then what? You remove the rivet and replace with a screw?

    Sorry for my ignorance when it comes to rivets...

    When I purchased my used Antigua last year, the dealer gave me a few extra plastic bell washers (thimbles).

    I read on another forum that you can use small cabinet knobs too.

    Thanks for your help.

  • When I bought some replacement washers, they were pretty cheap. I wanna say they were around $1 or so for the plastic version.

    The metal ones are probably a little more.
  • Thanks for the help everyone.

    Sounds like I've got some work to do. I did look closer, and some of these are screwed in, as in 2 per pop-out and the rest are riveted.

    I'm waiting on the RV parts place for a quote on the pieces. So far, I've heard crickets. So, we'll see if they have what I need. If not, I'll find the bell washer.
  • I broke a few of the plastic bell washers on the Starcraft HTT we had. The dealer had metal replacements.
    Mine were riveted in. Drilling them out was easy. For replacements I measured to the inside of the bunk and used a 1" hole saw to cut an access hole, dug out the styrofoam insulation, and used a #10 bolt, nut & washer to attach the new one. Oh - a dab of sealer on the washer & bolt before they went together. I bought some 1" plastic plugs at a big box store to cover the holes.
  • I believe they are actually called bell washers.

    I had some that were broken on mine, but they were screwed in. I just went to the hardware store and bought some slightly larger than the original stainless screws to replace them. I filled the hole with dicor sealant before tightening them down to hopefully stop water penetration.

    I do have several on my trailer that must be original and riveted on, but I havent taken the time yet to drill out the rivets and replace them with screws.
  • You will find that some thimbles are screwed and some are rivets. I cant remember which are screwed but I think the front bunk has the screws. The ones with rivets you just drill the head off the rivet. The ones I replaced I used screws. When you replace the thimbles make sure you put silicone on the screws to seal the holes. I had a few break and replaced them with metal ones.
  • Not sure what you mean by thimbles....can you clarify or send pictures??