Had a '03 F250 and it did very well w/ coach we had at the time. Cost of repairs and age/miles on the truck more/less forced us into a new truck. Went w/ a '15 F350 SRW 4wd. Did an even better job w/ same coach and loved the truck. Kids all grown up and coach served us well, so we decided to get a new RV. New RV is LARGER than old one and we were pretty much at max weight all the way around w/ tires being the most weak link. Like the ;03, the '15 did very well w/ new coach. Year after we got the new RV, it was decided that we head to FL for summer vayakay. Knowing we were maxed out, had this never ending gut felling w/ the tires, so now upgrade to a F350 DRW 4wd. Like many, I've read all the posts about the advantages of a DRW over a SRW and just kept turning a blind eye to towing. Now after having the DRW, it's freaking AWESOME to tow with. Not so happy in snow and would rather have my old '15 back for that, but that's not happening. So bottom line OP, get the 350/3500 even if SRW.