GrandpaKip wrote:
Check the faucet cartridge. Probably some trash got into it.
I would doubt that both hot and cold lines clogged up at the same time, though that would be next if nothing wrong with faucet.
I agree. The cartridge(s) are clogged. For the plumbing challenged, those are what control the mixture of hot and cold and the volume of water. They located in the body of the faucet if it is a single handle or part of the handles if it is a two handle faucet.
Several possible ways to repair. You can take it all apart and replace the cartridge(s). You can just replace the entire faucet. Finally, you can try disconnecting the water lines, opening up the valves and blowing out the trash using compressed air blown in from the spout (reverse direction of water flow). This would be the least reliable way, but also the easiest.