Towed the toy hauler with my 2015 6.4 for the third time this last weekend. We leave home at 2650 ft elevation and usually wind up at 7000. This time we stayed a little lower at maybe 6000 ft so avoided the toughest part of the trip.
Over all I like the Ram and the 6.4. Towing our 14k hauler it pulls better than the '08 Ford V10 did when on the flats and rolling terrain. 6% grade at lower elevations at about equal speed as Ford, but picks up better when the hill levels off. But when you get to 6% at 7k the Ford flat rules. Think of the videos of the Ike. That gap between 1st and 2nd is a killer, but I also believe that some of it is torque management. If you can keep above 4000 rpm in 2nd, it pulls fine. Drop below that and there is no one home to keep or get you moving.
Mileage empty is 10-20% better than the V10. Towing so far 10% or more less. 2600 miles on the clock with 600 towing.
EVIC is almost always 10% optimistic. Last weekend it reported 7.5 mpg, actual was 6.8. Best tank so far EVIC 15.6 actual 14.0.