Forum Discussion

LVJJJ's avatar
Sep 29, 2020

6 Volt Interstate batteries

I have look thru the Search field and have not found anywhere RV'ers rate the different brands of deep cycle 6 volt batteries.

Here in Bellingham WA, can't find anyone who carries Trojan batteries. The most available are Interstate deep cycles. Anyone had good results with these?

NAPA has their brand, how about those?
  • The reviews on the Interstate batteries at Costco are poor. Not sure why, on here they get mostly good reviews. I went with the 6v at Batteries plus. These are Duracell. They have 3 different choices, I went with the middle ones. Good price, seem like a good battery. I have only had them since August so time will tell. My previous were 12v from Batteries plus. They came with the trailer but the guy at Interstate said they were old, he hadn't seen that label in a long time.
  • "I had Trojan 125s which are just a taller version of the 100s."

    T125s are the same size as T105s. See

    T-105 10.30 7.11 11.07
    T-125 10.30 7.11 11.07
  • Got away from Interstates 3/4 years ago. Couldn't be happier.

  • I had Trojan 125s which are just a taller version of the 100s. They were good batteries, not worth the price. By that, I mean you pay double the price for them, but you don't get double the life out of them..........

    In my DP I have four Costco 6V batteries at a lot cheaper price and in my TT I have four Interstate 6V batteries. If you can find the main Intersated area distributor in your area, go to them and see if they have any "blems". These are blemished batteries that may have a scratch on them, the labels got mounted crooked, or something. The batteries were only 2 months old and I got them at half price - that makes them about a quarter of the price for Trojans.

    If you go to Costco for the batteries, they should have two different capacities. Get the taller battery.

  • I was considering the Costco/Interstate GC2 6volt battery. After reading the reviews on the Costco web site I will either join Sams Club or look into the Trojan T605 as we have two retailers within 15 miles of hoome.

    Sams sells a well rated 6volt battery, you may want to look into that if there is one close by. Duracell Golf Car Battery - Group Size GC2 sells for $89.88. The only possible drawback is you have to be a member.
  • I have heard the quality of interstates has dripped off. Not the same quality it was a couple years ago!
    I have 2 Napa 12V deep cycles in my MH and have no complaints!
  • Trojan says they have a number of dealers in Washington.