pappcam wrote:
beg4mercy wrote:
Guess I'll be the first evil guy in the thread. This weekend was my first time out with the TT and I drove between 65-70. :( I've pulled a boat for the past couple of years at around 5,000lbs around this same speed with no issues. 60 is a tad bit too slow for me and I'm comfortable and cautious driving at this speed. Always following the posted speed limit though.
Most TT tires are rated for 65mph max speed just so you're aware.
My sweet spot seems to be about 102-103kmh which is 63-64mph for you folks down there.
Good to know Papp....didn't know that. I'm learning as I go. Thanks.
travelnutz wrote:
In most states in the USA if towing at 65-70 mph, you'd very often find yourself parked on the shoulder of the road safely protected from other vehicles by a vehicle with flashing lights while getting your very own personalized invitations to very soon visit the building where they separate you from your money until you reach your limit of specially bestowed gift notices. Then you'll get to sit and relax while a sane person drives. Soon after redeeming your special gift notice, your insurance carrier will send you invoices with much higher numbers on them for at least 3 years. Hey, bigger is better, isn't it???
Nevada law states the speed limit for trailers is "as posted" which in some cases means up to 75mph. Not to say it's the safest thing to do but it kinda is what it is. Haven't received a ticket in years either....don't jinx it!