travelnutz wrote:
6 western states out of 50 with over 55 mph when towing is a very small percentage like tiny and hardly registers on the richter scale. Something California residents can surely relate to.
Maybe we should bring back the double nickle (55mph max nationally) and really enforce it to the hilt and then ALL vehicles will be traveling so close to the same speed and think of the billions of barrels of oil saved each year and the far less violent collisions that will occur. A winner all the way around! I'm starting to really like the idea!!!
Likely way more than 6 states, I just mentioned 6 I often travel in that I KNOW the TT speed limit.
a quick check of other states showed 33 with speed limits of 65 and two with speed limit of 60 when towing. So, more than half of the states have towing speed limits above 55.
And even states that show 65, that isn't always the max towing speed limits. I've been places where the towing speed limit is 70 or more. In fact, there is one section of Interstate in southern Utah with a speed limit of 80, towing or not!! kinda scary. And parts of washington have a 75MPH towing and truck speed limit if your under 5 axles and under 20K lbs.