Read my sig. My dp tunes are wonderful. They will save the trans where a Hypertech and others will not. They rely more on timing than fuel. My custom tunes are far superior to a programmer. My 20T tune makes more power than stage 3 (100hp) on the hypertech did. My inj are a lot more quiet than the programmer due to the timing. All shift stratagies are changed plus I have a decell tune that's great. It will tow with the best of them. It's not a drag racer but on 6/7% pulls grossing 20K+ I haven't had anyone complain about following me.
If you want the eng & trans to live get a chip with custom tunes.
Get a valve body from BTS or John Wood and tell the tuner you have it so he can tune accordingly. You will be amazed at the difference. You'll toss that Hypertech in the can instead of buying a new trans. I have 157K on mine with 50K tuned and towing heavy. Trans is as tight as new.