I had the DPF screen enabled when I bought the truck. It does not enable manual regen (though that is what the screen is called) on my model - that part of the feature is model dependent.
I continuously monitor all four EGTs, DPF load, percentage, regen intervals and about 10 other things. On my truck, the regen will start within a minute of the dash screen saying 100 percent, it will last about 20 minutes, and burn down to about 25 - 35 percent before shutting off. The DPF load reported on the dash and on OBD continues down for another few minutes as the exhaust is still very hot, ending up at around 20 percent on the dash and usually less than 1 g/l reported on OBD.
I wonder if you have the latest PCM flash, intended to correct the rare problems with 15-16 trucks during regen? That is supposed to make the regens behave differently - fuel is dumped into both banks, not just the left bank, and for less time according to reports.
Here is a captured regen with parameters plotted in XL. It is a little choppy because it started on the freeway, I pulled off and through town traffic for a bit, then back onto a hilly freeway: