Those are two different versions of the same MALE connector.
The one with double-contacts (what you probably call "female" is the more expensive/better version. The other is the cheaper version.
Yes, my Palomino and others I've seen, use a male-to-male "patch" or "umbilical" cord. Lance has their own proprietary connector on the camper end, at least in some years.
On the left front corner of my Palomino is a standard POLLACK 7-pin female connector, same as what you install on your truck.
The wiring is non-standard for the lights and whatnot. Why? I don't know. It is not documented in the owner's manual either.
When I picked the camper up, I thought it would be a simple matter to get tail and turn signals for the ride home. The ground is the same, and the right turn signal is the same.