I thought it was about time to update my progress with my '73 HR. Last week we opened her up after being stored for the winter. I was pleased to find no evidence of mice or other varmints.
We still had the original, large aluminum propane tanks and the original valves from 1973. Those valves can no longer be used-they are no longer legal and you can't get them filled. So late last summer we had the valves replaced and the tanks filled.
Yesterday DH hooked it all back up and !!!!! it works! no leaks detected so far. The stove and oven both lit perfectly. We had to light the funace pilot manually, but other than that-it fired right up and started putting out plenty of heat!!!
I am so pleased-I've been worrying about the propane systems since we bought this thing a year ago. (the price was good enough that we relied on the previous owner's promises that everything works-not wise, I know, but what's done is done, lol).
Our next step is to replace the ceiling fans with Fantastic Fans. Hopefully soon, but probaly not. Things get done very slowly around here :(
By the way, I still LOVE my trailer.
I know-pictures....still haven't figured it out...working on it.