Brad from Adventurer responded:
"keep in mind when you build a house and put it on a truck and go down the road you will have issues like this happen unfortunately sometimes it is the nature of the beast. We try to do our best always but inevitably hose clamps loosen, plumbing joints crack, and skylights will take a road rock to them and break."
"I will share this with install as we use customer comments and pictures to improve our product however keep in mind plumbing, sealants, electrical, LPG and many other areas within the manufacturing process all fall under the 1 year warranty and after that time they are the owners responsibility to upkeep and maintain."
So as far as Adventure is concerned, it is on me to inspect connections like that which are for the most part hidden and only accessible with the removal of an exterior panel.
I really wasn't expecting anything, but its good to get out there how much of a chance you have if you warranty has expired.