Forum Discussion

cewillis's avatar
Jun 02, 2013

a 'Little' trip report

Little in two senses: 1) short, and 2) started out to be about the Little Colorado River (LCR). Turned out to be just short --

Since I had already been to /above the confluence of the Colorado and LCR, I thought I go to the source (one of them) of the LCR on Mt Baldy, and then follow the river all the way to the confluence. First or all, it's the wrong time of year to find water in most of the LCR, but that couldn't be helped. Secondly -- you'll see below.

Headed for Mt Baldy.

This is the end of trying to get to the source this time. 10450 ft.

So how about a few tourist pictures.

The LCR gorge from a Navajo viewpoint.

The Colorado and the Grand Canyon from Desert View Watchtower and Lipan Point.

From the Mogollon rim road.

More pictures are here . I'll try to finish what I started some other time.
  • Got to swim in the Little Colorado River beautiful pink and aqua colored water that merged into the Colorado at the bottom of the canyon while on a 2 trip rafting trip back in 2007, I'd like to see the beginning too.
  • Beautiful pictures and it reminded me of my 5 years living in Kayenta, AZ when I worked at Peabody Coal's Black Mesa Mine. Traveled a lot on the reservation and some of the most beautiful country man ever saw. Sure is quiet out there too.
  • seldomseensmith wrote:
    Jeez Cal, you let a little snow turn you back?

    Gotta watch out for that snow stuff. I was thinking of blasting through an across-the-road snowbank one time in that part of the country, but further investigation revealed a log underneath.

    Thanks for the trip report!
  • cewillis wrote:

    This is the end of trying to get to the source this time. 10450 ft.

    Well you didn't make it to the head water but you did find one of the sources . Many years ago I made a hobby of walking up the local brooks and streams to find the head waters , found some interesting places . Nice pictures .
  • Hi Cal:
    For a "little" trip report it looks like you really had an enjoyable and scenic one. How did the UHMW overload spring pads work? Well, I hope. Pesky stuff, snow. Just when you think its all gone, it shows up where you don't want it. Hope this finds you well...Terry
  • Jeez Cal, you let a little snow turn you back? I like the idea though, trying to follow a river from the source. Better luck next time. Thanks for the pics, and yeah, like Sleepy said how 'bout some narrative for your fine photos?
  • What is a LCR..? I don't have a clue (oops... went back and found it) Where is the little colorado river? Above Lake Powell?

    I like the pictures.... please tell us a little more about them... I'm traveling through your eyes, your camera and your words

