Forum Discussion

jerryleejr's avatar
Nov 11, 2014

Adding overhead bunk.

Apparently eagle cap discontinued the overhead bunk option in the 850 for 2015, now I know several people have done their own add a bunk mod so I'm torn between this or going with a different model that offers the option such as adventurer 86sbs or lance 855s etc...

  • msiminoff wrote:
    If you're handy, adding a bunk over the dinette is a breeze…. I installed one in my TC.

    I'm handy guess I'm baffled that after the $$$ they want why can't a bunk be ordered? One manufacturer quoted me 54k before discussing the bunk...

  • If you're handy, adding a bunk over the dinette is a breeze…. I installed one in my TC.

  • So two of the four models I'm looking at doesn't have an overhead bunk option, so I'm gonna look at the artic fox 811 and adventurer 86sbs...

  • toedtoes wrote:
    I wouldn't do a big mod on a brand new rig - a used one yes. I figure it I'm paying the price for new, then they can give me what I want.

    Well they added led lights in the slide and said the bunk isn't an option...

  • I wouldn't do a big mod on a brand new rig - a used one yes. I figure it I'm paying the price for new, then they can give me what I want.