Forum Discussion

ekim17mr's avatar
Aug 29, 2016

Adventure camper fiberglass nosecap

The nosecap loses color when its washed or when it rains (which it never does in BC)I have tried waxes and Gelgloss but it still does it . We park are car under the camper nose and it drips on to the hood which is very hard to remove. Any help would be great thanks
  • Gelcoat used under fiberglass moldings tends to oxidize and turn to "chalk" in time. If you run your fingers or a dark cloth across it do you get a white powder?

    There isn't really an easy cure, compound it will remove the surface oxidation, but it must be kept waxed from then on. Or paint the cap with polyurethane.
  • I have a 2013 Eagle Cap, it did the same thing, well it didn't turn my driveway white, but it did goop up the windshield for a few months, but then it went away. As mentioned, I think is is new caulking/roof material rinsing off.

    I also used steel wool as mentioned in the earlier post to clean the windshield up.

    Give it six months and see what happens.
  • yea, my arctic fox did the same thing, but it dripped on the front windshield. I used 0000 steel wool on the glass. Perfect now.
  • Ranger Tim its white it loses color when washed my driveway was all white after washing it the other day
  • It's your sealer or roof material chalking and getting washed off in the rain.
  • So the color actually drips onto the car hood? Any cleaner I would recommend would only take more color from the nose cap. What color is it?