How much time do you want to throw at this? I'm guessing the stuff that is on there is some type of butyl sealant and will last a good bit of time.
To remove it will take effort. I'd start out with a chemical remover like 3M caulk remover and see if that softens it. Mechanically removing the sealants will take a good bit of time. I did it on my roof because there were a variety of sealers used and none of them worked. I ended up removing everything and then used Eternabond tapes to make sure everything was sealed. I'd bet I have over 40 hrs in removing sealants/sealing the roof.
A pressure washer can be used but only with a wide fan tip and the best use is not to try removing mold with it. For that, get a dedicated siding cleaner or mold soap and let the chemicals do the work.