Jun 14, 2013Explorer
Air Tabs Installed
Well I pull the trigger to and install Air Tabs on my camper. Hoping to cut the wind noise around the passenger door and reduce bugs. We will see how it works. ART
steve68steve wrote:
BCbigfoot: disclaimer: I'm not an aeronautical engineer - there's every chance I don't know wtf I'm talking about.
The airtabs would have to create a row of vortices with a length and direction such that the 'sheet' of vortices would "fly over" the stuff on the roof trapping bubble of low pressure air up there (lol - which would theoretically unload your suspension a little). There's a lot of variables - do the airtabs actually make a strong vortex? at what speed? how long are they? what's the ideal placement of them? would the air you'r moving thru push the vortices down into the roof projections and make things worse? if so, at what speed do you change from 'beneficial' to 'detrimental'? and on and on.
But qualitatively, it makes sense - I guess it could work. Short of having a scale model for wind tunnel tests, or a buddy who's an aerodynamicist with $10,000 modeling software, stuff like this is all down to educated guessing - trial and error.