jmtandem wrote:
Contrary to popular belief there is no such thing as an RV status symbol.
Tell that to the movie stars, successful athletes, musicians, some traveling gospel singers, folks with affulence and anybody else affording a $600,000+ motorhome. It is all about status as all provide way more amenities than the basic needs to camp. Start your research with Prevost motorhomes and you will soon change your mind. Airstream is THE travel trailer status symbol. Additionally, it is THE recognized icon often associated with RV travel and camping.
I don't have any idea why Airstream would be considered a status symbol. Everyone has different likes and dislikes... the same could be stated for motorcycles. Some people believe Harley Davidson is a status symbol, personally I hate them and think an MV Augusta is a lot nicer.. my opinion matters no different then the opinion of someone who loves Harley Davidson.
Personally, I hate Airstreams. I don't like the look, the cost, or the retro interior. I find them dark and gloomy inside. My friend has an Airstream for his family, and loves it. I have an R-vision and love it. Neither of us would trade for the other's trailer, and that is okay...
Travel trailer status symbol *laughing*