el.jefe wrote:
It seems simpler just to run a small generator for a couple hours in the evening and charge the battery while we run the tvs and such off the generator power, and then turn it off for the night.
2oldman wrote:
Everyone loves camping next to someone running a generator to watch tv.
THIS for sure. :( Whenever you're camping without shore power do yourself and everyone else around you a huge favour and not run that genset any more than necessary. Recharging batteries is a necessity, watching television is not. Equip your rig with an adequately sized battery bank, a suitably sized inverter (preferably PSW which will more universally run anything without restriction), and some means of recharging those batteries, most reliably a genset. If you're not prepared to do this right then don't do it at all and plan to instead camp on electric sites where none of this would be needed. Believe it, NO ONE is interested in listening to your "quiet" generator drone on all night, night after night just so you can watch television or play video games. :R