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Jeff243's avatar
Apr 05, 2015

another newbie truck weight question

Sorry for another newbie weight question, but I've tried to find the answer in some of the basic info pages on most of the forums here and haven't had any luck. I can easily weigh the front axle separately and the whole truck on the scales at our local landfill, but it is a challenge to get a separate rear axle weight.
Front Axle = 3680
Whole truck = 6600

Is the math really as simple as it seems? Whole truck weight - front axle weight = rear axle weight? In other words, does my rear axle weigh 2920? I'd weigh it separately if I could, but it is a royal PITA on the dump scales. No CAT scales or other options anywhere close.

Thanks in advance for helping out another newbie!
  • wnjj's avatar
    Explorer II
    NMace wrote:
    Yes, one axle minus the whole equals the other axle, but I am not sure I understand the problem. You could pull up with just the front axle on the scale, pull up until both are on it, then pull off until just the rear is on.

    But you are fine. Enjoy, it will get a bit harder, then a whole lot easier.

    I'm guessing the scale edge is past the display so once you pull forward enough you can't read it.
  • Yes, one axle minus the whole equals the other axle, but I am not sure I understand the problem. You could pull up with just the front axle on the scale, pull up until both are on it, then pull off until just the rear is on.

    But you are fine. Enjoy, it will get a bit harder, then a whole lot easier.
  • Thanks for the feedback everyone. I didn't know if things were more complicated than my 8th grade algebra class....

    Jaxom: you are correct, I could back onto the scale, but it is a huge hassle given the entry lanes and setup at the dump. That's why I was hoping the easy answer was the right answer!
  • If it is easy to get a front axle weight, but difficult to get a rear axle weight, could you simply turn the truck around and back onto the scale?
  • Yes that is how it works.

    I was able to weigh my front right tire, then front axle, then right side and whole motorhome. I was able to get all the weight - wheel by wheel that way.

    Once you hook up to a trailer, your rear axle weight will probably go up from 2960 to say 4100. This 'might' indicate a hitch weight of 1,140 pounds, except that your front axle might have gone down by say 80 pounds, and that will give you the actual total weight.

    With a weight distribution hitch, you can put some of the weight back on the front axle, but it will not really transfer to much weight back. Some will go onto the trailer axles (about 50 - 100 pounds for a larger travel trailer).

    Good luck!

  • Yep...close enough using dump scales

    Curb weight....6322#
    Trucks GVWR....9900#
  • wnjj's avatar
    Explorer II
    Jeff243 wrote:
    Sorry for another newbie weight question, but I've tried to find the answer in some of the basic info pages on most of the forums here and haven't had any luck. I can easily weigh the front axle separately and the whole truck on the scales at our local landfill, but it is a challenge to get a separate rear axle weight.
    Front Axle = 3680
    Whole truck = 6600

    Is the math really as simple as it seems? Whole truck weight - front axle weight = rear axle weight? In other words, does my rear axle weigh 2920? I'd weigh it separately if I could, but it is a royal PITA on the dump scales. No CAT scales or other options anywhere close.

    Thanks in advance for helping out another newbie!

    Yep. (Front + rear = total) on level or nearly level ground.

    Your weights are similar to my 2005 SRW 3500 with 8.1L. Mine's a little heavier on both ends and total.