Just had a blowout in the Chinese Exploder type on my way from MI to WI last week. I got 5 years and 16,800 miles out of them so I did pretty well. I was doing 65 in I-94 when it went so I slowed immediately to 20mph, hit the hazard flashers and pulled as far onto the shoulder as I dared. I was lucky I was only 3/4 of a mile from a ramp and when I hit the ramp I slowed to 5mph. Wheel well damage was negligible with a little insulation being spattered across the road and the over wheel skirt was shattered.
I'm getting 4 Goodyear Endurance at $138 apiece installed ad my speed limit will go from 65 to a rated speed of 87, (N rating), so I can squeeze an extra 10mph out of the trailer making trips a little quicker. The inflation goes from 65 to 85psi giving a better ride/experience and potentially some mpg savings.
I'm not unhappy with the whole deal...