Forum Discussion

Caroline-B's avatar
Sep 06, 2017

Any help? hybrid front door leak

I have a 2003 starcraft Antigua hybrid. I have had this thing torn apart, replaced floor in front, pulled front bunk door off, caulked everything, put butyl tape under hinge before putting back on, caulked all screws around door frame and frame on camper. Caulked roof, side seams, everything on outside, replaced all seals and added some. I had fixed my front bunk about 1/4 way up where water damaged it and sealed it good. Put tape over hinge and have made a cover for the top of the bunk so no water comes in at the top. So now went out to it and bunk door is wet again at the bottom. I cut back the lower part again and water came out of it. I caulked around all buttons on outside on door where bungies go after shop vacuuming the water out of the door and for a week kept doing that to suck any moisture left. It's been 90 degree's so put fans inside and during the day opened to expose to the sun. Everything got good and dry. So it rained all night and I went to check ( everything is exposed) foam core and frame and where I just cut the luan at the bottom some got left in bottom frame and IT'S WET AGAIN! What is going on? I don't know what else to do! There is some delamination starting on very bottom of door now. I'm thinking this can't be condensation causing this now. I think before I caulked around the buttons that's where water was coming in. They don't caulk them at the factory. I am a women and 62 years old out here everyday, done all the work myself for over a year for I am very knowledgeable on how to do a lot of things. What else can I do?