Glad you got out of there in the end.
That "truck claw" mentioned above looks like a useful and inexpensive piece of kit for just these situations.
I run a winch on my Jeep TJ and it gets used a lot, but having a decent amount of experience with a winch I can say I wouldn't bother with one on my truck camper. To get one sufficiently rated and good enough quality that you can rely on it that one time you need it means spending quite a bit of money and adding a load of weight. I've also seen plenty of people turn up with a winch they fitted 2 years ago and haven't used or looked after only to find it now doesn't work when they have got stuck somewhere they might not have had the confidence to attempt without that winch.
So unless you are seriously likely to regularly use a winch, I would go with a cheaper / lighter / simpler set of recovery options such as that truck claw, long handled shovel, decent tyre compressor (I went down to 12PSI when I got stuck in the Sahara, but don't have DRW).