Forum Discussion

mlts22's avatar
Jun 27, 2014

Are diesels worth it, for costs per mile?

Was at a car dealer out of town, and the dealer (name with-held to protect the guilty) was trying to warn me away from a diesel on the 3500 models he was selling, unless I had at least $15,000 a year stashed away for maintenance costs.

After looking at various forums and reading about problems people have (from fuel in the oil, to fuel filters failing and blowing the engine, to ECM issues, to injectors (at $500 each on average), to cracked DPFs, having to replace the high pressure fuel pump every 5000 miles (about a grand) to being stranded since the vehicle's computer won't allow the vehicle to start due to no DEF (even if the tank is full.)

I have a feeling a lot of it is just bad luck and statistically, there are a lot of diesels out there, so seeing issues is not surprising.

In people's opinions, are the maintenance horror stories for a diesel just way blown out of proportion?

If there is some credence, should I go for an extended warranty if I buy a diesel vehicle, just so I don't end up stranded and $2500 lighter because a high pressure fuel pump decided to call it quits. I do know that the recent EPA regulations have caused reliability problems, but I'm wondering if truck makers finally have the kinks worked out.

-quick edit- Apparently the guy who said the $15k figure per year is no longer at the dealer in question, so that explains a lot.