Forum Discussion

joeshmoe's avatar
Sep 02, 2016

Are You Truck Camping This Labor Day?

If so, where? Make the rest of us jealous. ;)

Happy Labor Day weekend.
  • Yah, I was trying to beat the crowds, Labor Day's, but got 'Skunked' and had to hit an RV Park... was at Lehman Caves, NV, now, Fri, heading to BML land Illipah Reservoir, NV just west of Ely, NV... will sit there till after the weekend...

    I blew it.. heheh just getting impossible to find a site even on Thursdays before the weekend holidays...

    Being Full Time, I keep forgetting about weekends and especially Holidays.. and of course Summer's BKT's... (Bugs-Kids-Traffic).....
  • Probably not. I've considered going somewhere for Sat night. I usually avoid the chaos of the last major camping day of the year.