Dave Pete wrote:
I agree with all feedback. Just saying folks should use caution until they have thought about their own system and act accordingly. Many who might have a septic system for their first time or early on in their first time might still have a city sewer mindset of "flush and forget". And we all use varied levels of TP, maybe some don't know it's supposed to be a certain type of TP.
Different locations are also an issue. In Wyoming we don't pump but once in 5-10 years. In Fairbanks we had to pump each year, because even placed deep, the ground is too cool for real good microbiological tank action and if it isn't active, it can freeze sooner, especially if the snow cover isn't good that year. You don't want a frozen septic tank in a Fairbanks -30 winter.
I'm a plumbing system designer by trade. It really doesn't make much difference if I shower inside the house or in the camper. I'm not producing any more waste. Probably less in the camper than in the house.