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Grizzlyhunter04's avatar
Feb 13, 2019

Atwood 8531IVDCLP L/D

Hey everyone I’m new here. A lot of helpfulness here for sure.

I’ve got a 05 zeppelin 291. Furnace acted up few years ago would blow and have ignition but would not light. Determined it was the Gas valves at furnace not opening and all was well after replacing. So now I. Have issue with turning tstat up, sometimes attempts to start other times doesn’t. Fan blows igniter clicks. Sometimes it will fire and run for few seconds, then flames out. Tries to relight and clicks bunch of times then BOOM it catches and ignites the built up gas. Pulled furnace and “bench ran it”. 12v to red and yellow wires and jumped the 2 blue Tstat wires. And hooked up to a grill hose with regulator. Acts the same. Just curious if anyone has some on-site to issue. Igniter is new. Thinking possible control board? Thanks!
  • Check the electrode and flame sensor positioning and ensure that all wiring connections in those circuits are good.
  • I suspect you have a partially plugged LP orifice. You may have something like a bug sitting behind the LP orifice and it can move around restricting LP flow. Pull the gas valve, burner assembly out and then remove the burner and then remove the LP orifice and clean. Make sure you clean the tube behind the orifice, not just the orifice.
  • This may not work out for you but, whenever anyone says furnace the first thing I always say is to see if the plenum is full of wasp nests. I've had a couple of them that would not work because of that problem.
  • I was having issues with my 8531-IV DCLP (replaced squealing fan motor on startup, ran good for 2 days, then wouldn’t light, fan wouldn’t come on). I took the board down to local RV parts store and they tested the ignition board for me and found it to be defective. Put the new board in and it’s working great. That’s where I would start.
  • Sounds like the flame proofer needs to be cleaned. It is a small round tube with a wire on it extending into the burning flame. Very Lightly polish it with emery cloth.
  • Check the voltage to the blower motor- either the blower is bad (brushes shot), or the board or wiring is bad. You don't really need to try it with LP until you get the blower sorted out.