Forum Discussion

Crawfordville's avatar
Sep 03, 2014

Atwood Helium fridge

We have an Atwood Helium fridge in our camper. The switch over from electricity to propane does not seem to be working. I've tried to switch it two times but it fails. The check light is on and it is beeping. I've consulted the manual and it states that when that happens to consult a dealer. Anyone else experience this issue? Simple fix without having to go to the dealer?


  • Below is my post to the Fun Finder Forum yesterday regarding the Atwood helium fridge on my 2015 189FDS Fun Finder travel trailer. Hopefully, this potential resolution can help others experiencing the same issue with their Atwood helium...

    Here is a link, in case you want to read the entire thread:


    [START MESSAGE]So, yesterday, while starting to prepare for an upcoming trip, I went out to the trailer at 6:00 in the evening. The dinette table was absolutely flooded with a leak in the slide (see other thread on THAT).

    Dealer emails me this morning and tells me to bring it BACK up to them so they could look for and fix the leak. Roger.

    I unplug from shore power and sure enough - the Atwood fridge DOES NOT switch over to gas! Grrrrr. Went to "check" mode. I turned it off and back on manually - still would not light. So I just left the damn thing in check/beep mode!

    While I'm at the dealer while they're fixing the leak, Atwood management calls the dealer (Andrew is guy's name). Andrew comes out to me in the waiting room and says that Atwood would like to speak with me! ?

    Get on the phone. She introduces herself as so and so, such and such management position. Mind you - Atwood kept telling dealer that it's not their fridge (even though both fridges (original and replacement) failed and that dealer should blame Cruiser. Cruiser blamed Atwood. Round and round they went, leaving me frustrated beyond belief!

    Well, if I was told the truth this morning, turns out it IS Atwood's fault (indirectly). Supposedly, a supplier of theirs changed some spec by 1/16 of an inch, which has caused all these problems, not with just me, but with many. It was supposedly just enough of an extra gap that something did not recognize that gas was flowing. Atwood's engineering people only discovered this unknown change just yesterday. Cruiser had escalated my issue to Atwood Management and that is how this woman got involved. She is overnighting a replacement part to dealer, which will hopefully arrive on Monday. I can stop by on my way out camping on Tuesday and they can install it (should take no more than 30 minutes). Atwood lady actually asked dealer if we wanted another new fridge, or just the part. JUST THE PART - dealer had to remove window to get new fridge inside the trailer!

    So, with the leak SUPPOSEDLY being fixed, and the fridge about to hopfully be fixed, I'm back to being a happy camper. I do hope this nightmare is over and I can once again become a fan of Fun Finders![END MESSAGE]
  • Hi,

    Best to give up on helium fridges for now. Go residential or hydrogen.
  • I am having the EXACT same problem. If the Atwood fridge is hooked up to electric for more than a day and then I unplug, it will not auto switch to gas. Eventually goes into fault mode. Any type of manual intervention is unacceptable to me.

    My trailer is only about 4 months old and it is in the shop now, having had a brand new (2nd) fridge installed. New fridge is having the same issue.

    Dealer has tried everything and is now doing more testing as recommended by Atwood this morning. After making the new recommended tests, the dealer is to plug in the fridge for 24 hours and see if it goes to gas when unplugged after the 24 hour period.

    I'm definitely thinking Atwood has an issue with this fridge.
  • lawrosa wrote:
    The line needs to be bled of air.. Sometimes it taks 5 trys or more..

    To get mine to light faster I turn on the stove top or water heater to purge the line of air..

    Usually lights on two trys...

    Let us know...

  • When this happens I just light the stove top to get the propane flowing. This has always worked well for me when the refrigerator will not light.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    I have an Atwood. You need to purge the line then retry 2-3 times per the manual. That's how mine works if I don't use the propane for awhile.
  • Do you have propane valved in service?

    Open outside compartment lower vent......have someone try it on 'gas'.....can you hear the ignitor clicking?

    Light off stove top burners (ALL on high) to place demand on LP regulator and establish gas flow........then try fridge on 'gas'
    If it hasn't been run on gas in a while it can take several attempts to get gas flow up to/thru fridge gas valve......really small flame so low demand.
  • The line needs to be bled of air.. Sometimes it taks 5 trys or more..

    To get mine to light faster I turn on the stove top or water heater to purge the line of air..

    Usually lights on two trys...

    Let us know...