Forum Discussion

K_Mac's avatar
Dec 13, 2019

Atwood Thermostat HFH2000

Went to do a little work in TC and when I turned on the heat I found out there isn't any, I last used TC in Oct. and heater was working fine. Everything else in TC is AOK including A/C(lol). I've researched all I could on trouble shooting to no avail. Is it time for a new thermostat or can you tell me a way to bypass so I know it's my problem and YES the gas is on, TIA,K Mac
  • Open thermostat cover, locate the two wires, connect them together.
    Furnace fan should start immediately, followed by burner in 10-20 seconds. If burner starts and produces heat, separate the wires. The furnace should go into cool down mode and shut off.
    If this happens bad thermostat. If it does not problem is in furnace.
  • I would make sure that you have good 12 V power going to the furnace.
    The thermostat would be the last thing that I would suspect.
  • Year and picture of thermostat?
    Most of thermostats are just switches, so jumping the 2 wires will bypass it.