Forum Discussion

Stars101's avatar
Jul 05, 2016

Audience at the dump station

We have a 5 gallon Thetford Curve porta Potty in our TC.

Saturday morning we pulled out of the Jellystone in Frankenmuth, MI. As we approach the dump station my DH starts muttering under his breath, "What in the h%ll is that big tent doing there!?"

I look up and see a big, commercial tent set up on the right side of the road - across from the dump station. And it's FILLED with little kids and beaming parents. Um, what?

He doesn't want to use the dump station with people right there on the other side of the truck. I understand dumping a porta potty isn't something you normally want an audience for, but the truck is blocking the "show" and it's normally a pretty quick process. I kept saying, "Don't worry - 5 minutes and we are outta here. Let's just do it and be done with it. I don't want to have to try and locate another dump station on a holiday weekend. Come on, the truck is blocking the view, no one in the tent can actually see us. If we use someplace else it'll be $10 to dump 5 gallons, just do it here - we already paid for the privilege. Besides the kids are probably waiting to do some arts and crafts, they won't even be looking towards us. Don't worry about it".

So just as he dumps the tank I look over his shoulder and see a golf cart driving up behind him -----with YOGI BEAR in the passenger seat! LOL - all the kids are cheering and Yogi is waving and blowing kisses. The parents all have cameras pointed at the back of our camper and are taking PICTURES because Yogi didn't have the sense to stand where the DUMP STATION wasn't the prominent view in the background! Really, all that bear had to do was walk to the side of the tent that faced the playground! But nope, he planted himself right on the driveway at the back of our camper - The dump station driveway. Good grief.

We finished dumping, didn't rinse the tank and literally heaved it into the TC and drove off. We stopped just outside the CG and put the toilet back together, added some odor control crystals and some fresh water.

DH maintained that it was rude to use the dump station while there were people in the tent. I maintained that it was the only dump station and that it was 1 hour before check out.... the CG had to know that people were going to need to use it before heading out and they were the ones who set up their Yogi Bear meet & greet area 15 feet from a dump station.

DH is still saying that he's positive that some parent will be posting a pic of him on facebook wrestling 5 gallons of sh#t outta the backdoor with their kid smiling in the foreground :)

Our 10 year old just hopes he can find internet proof of the whole thing b/c he found it all hysterical (but he sided with me - he felt that it was OK to dump while people were in the tent and that anyone who congregates in a large tent 15 feet from a dump station can't be surprised at what they might witness).
  • I enjoyed the laugh this morning.... very consider of your husband, but I would have used the dump station. All in a day of rving. In time this will be a funny to all of you.

    Your 10 year has a great sense of humor...
  • Well, it is actually nice to know that some folks like your husband are considerate of others, even at their own expense. Nice if more folks were like that on many matters.

    However, I do side with you. It is a dump station. You've paid your camping fee and are entitled to use it. The park decided to erect their tent their and have Yogi make an appearance. They could have also put up a sign that said "Dump station closed from XX AM to XX AM, sorry for the inconvenience" but they didn't.

    Maybe they were just trying to answer that eternal question for the kids: "Does a (Yogi) Bear **** in the woods?" :)
  • At first I was thinking a group had set up a tent just to watch the antics and hoping for an "RV" type showing.

    I would have dumped without a hesitation but been hoping the whole time things went smoothly.
  • FWIW, I would have used the dump station and thought nothing of it.

    Someone chose to erect the tent beside the dump station and host a party. Obviously, it didn't bother them, don't let it bother you.
  • I'd feel bad for the family in the tent that was located that close to the dump station. That situation shouldn't exist in any campground.
  • X2 on those photos.

    As DH says, Be sure to put that in your book." We all have one just waiting to be written about the funny, crazy, scary, and wonderful times we have camping!
  • I should add that the Frankenmuth Jellystone was the nicest commercial CG we have stayed in over a holiday weekend. Quiet, despite being nearly full, polite campers, pets and kids.

    It's rather small, so I can understand that they needed to set up the tent where they did. They don't have a lot of real estate to choose from.