EstorilM wrote:
1320Fastback wrote:
profdant139 wrote:
I just learned something -- in a bad crosswind, I guess it does not make much difference if you are moving or not -- you could still get blown over. Is that right? I would have thought that pulling over was the right move, but I guess not?
You would want to point the nose of the trailer into the wind as much as possible. Its not the forward momentum thats saving you from going over.
PS: 1320Fastback that's a beautiful rig :o Only other time I've seen a clean vintage cummins was in Saratoga CA probably 8yr ago. Must be a west-coast thing!
Thanks, I saw a few really nice ones in Wyoming when we were at Yellowstone. They were all locals and just in parking lots but two guys did ask if mine was for sale. One in Jackson and another in Cedar City. Both couldn't beleive we towed our trialer all the way from Ca but i just asked them, Whats on it that could fail?