:h Why not hook the power to the 12 volt porch light?
My outback has a porch light and step light already there. with an inside switch. It would be easy to run the power from them for the strips. I also have been looking on Ebay for LED strip lights. There are thousands offered. Most are from china and take a bit of time to get here and are real cheap. The ones sold from here in the states are generally the same ones just branded and marked up. If you choose just 1 color you can do away with the control box and wire direct to a 12 volt source. Just make sure your selection is for outdoor water proof. they make indoor strips also.
Hmm? What about inside applications? :S
Whatever your choice. Good luck and great camping!
ps...This is what I used to replace all the interior lights in my ceiling lights. 1 light uses less than 1/3 the power of the stock incandescent bulb. http://www.ebay.com/itm/5x-12V-Car-48-SMD-White-LED-Light-Panel-T10-Festoon-Ba9s-Dome-USA-Ship-/300743649836?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4605b7ea2c&vxp=mtr