SC camper wrote:
I like the led strips on the awnings. I just wish they would last more than a couple trips. We got the first set and fastened them to the awning roller. Worked great the first couple trips then it started to lose some of the colors and by the end of the weekend they stopped working completely. My thought was moisture from being stored inside the awning while rolled up in storage. The next set we got we tried a different brand and didnt leave them installed. We taped them to the awning each trip. Those worked great the first 3 trips, then on our week long vacation, they lost some of the colors on the sencond night and went out completely on the third night. Hope everyone else has better luck than we have had.
SC Camper
What a bummer that is! I'm sure your right that not all brands are created equal. I to had mine rolled up in my awning, but they lasted the entire summer, it was not until fall when i rolled my awning up while it was wet that I had problems where some LED stoped working properly. I'll take the blame for that one. One suggestion... When shopping there are several levels of Waterproof LED strips, IP65, IP66, IP67 and IP68. The higher the number the better the waterproof sealing. IP68 is designed for long term immersion, where IP67 is short term immersion. Here is a link that explains is pretty good detail: So I would suggest that if you doing lights in an awning, go with the highest number you can find, if you are doing on the side of the trailer a lower that 68 number should be fine I would think.