Read on here a lot about how folks get bent out of shape if some one won't use their bathroom. Usual statement is. I paid for it I'm gonna use it. Why does it have a bathroom if you aren't using it. That's why I bought a RV. You know. That kind of thing.
I feel that way about awnings. They are one of the great things about a camper. Instant shade, and instant shelter from rain. So. I use mine. I use it to sit under, and to keep my chairs dry when it rains, and I store my stuff under it at night to keep the rain, and dew off. I've had campers with attached awnings for 16 years. Keep them out the entire time we are camping, at the beach, or mountains. they have been out is some pretty good wind. Believe it or not. A manual awning isn't as tender as many of you think it is. Like has been said. I bought it to use. So I do. If I was afraid to use it. I'd take it off and sell it. Actually, I'd quit camping. Using the awning is the least of my concerns.