Forum Discussion

nodepositnoretu's avatar
Feb 23, 2018

Back in the saddle,.....

Hey guys, just a fast hello. I have been a truck camper for many years I think first one was a 99Lance. Anyhow got hurt pretty badly in 06 and chronic pain has kept me down for a few years. Things are not any better in some cases worse,but time marches on ! So must I . I’m getting the 1030 cleaned and polished up. And hope to hit the road this spring.ill stop by here usually everyday now to see what’s new.

Lance 06 Dodge CTD 110,000 ez miles
  • Empathy to all of those struggling with chronic pain.
    Keep moving to the extent you can. Celebrate what you can still do instead of lamenting all of the things you can't.
  • I have a titanium plate in my neck and just had my 3rd back surgery last fall (arthritis). Keep moving and stay away from recliners.
    Like my Dad told Grandpa..."Pop you keep just sitting on the porch and pretty soon that is all you will be able to do".
  • Good for you. Get out there and keep going perhaps the pain will gradually subside.

    You need more miles on that RAM!! I have 227 K miles on mine.:B
  • ppine wrote:
    I broke my femur in a mule wreck in 2008 after running into a mountain lion. It took a day to find a fixed wing airplane and a hospital. First morphine is your friend. Now I have a titanium rod and a bolt through my hip. I still backpack at 67 but it took seveal years to recover. I retired from riding, but now I teach kids to ride.

    Yup Titanium and bolts and plates and screws, now their friend has moved in a Mr Arthur Itius. All over! I do have a inrerthecal morphine pump sewn into my gut to help with some of the pain. But I’m pushing forward.
  • Would I rather stay home and have moderate hip pain or go camping and have moderate hip pain? Easy choice for me. Thankfully it doesn't bother my bicycle riding home or away.
  • I broke my femur in a mule wreck in 2008 after running into a mountain lion. It took a day to find a fixed wing airplane and a hospital. First morphine is your friend. Now I have a titanium rod and a bolt through my hip. I still backpack at 67 but it took seveal years to recover. I retired from riding, but now I teach kids to ride.
  • My wife has chronic pain in her spine, so she is my ride comfort sensor.
    When new 2017 F350 rides way more comfortable than previous 2006 model, the empty ride is still harsh.
    I put Sulastic hangers and I consider it $300 well spend.
    Take care about yourself and enjoy camping.
  • Good for you brudda, best thing we can do is keep moving. Life is what's happening right now so enjoy. There is no practice run:B