Forum Discussion

RonValor's avatar
Feb 25, 2017

Backing up to an inclined and narrow driveway

Hi All,

Greetings from a soon-to-be first-time trailer owner.
My wife and I finally decided to buy a Coachmen Clipper 16RBD trailer. We are excited.
I'm watching youtube videos on how to backup a trailer.
What I'm nervous about is that our driveway is very narrow (8ft-4in) and has a steep inclined approach/portion coming from the street.

The Clipper 16RDB has an overall width of 7ft-4in so I only have 6 inches clearance on both sides.

My question is it still possible to park my trailer and how relatively hard or not so hard will it be?

I do not have any trailer hauling experience let alone trailer backing experience.

Some articles says to practice with cones in an empty parking lot. I will do that for sure.

Thanks for any advise.


PS I'm attempting to attach some pictures but the Image button says "Enter the complete URL for the image." and I cannot browse to a folder location.
  • You probably less than 6" clearance each side due to the awning sticking out on he passenger side.

    I have many many year of experience with my own trailers, and I will say that with what minimal clearance you have, I wouldn't want to deal with the headache that little of clearance will cause.
  • Yes, it will be really hard at first -- take some video so you can laugh about it later!

    Seriously, practice backing up on the flat. It takes a lot of practice. My wife is my spotter. She and I communicate with hand gestures (not the naughty ones).

    Good luck, be patient with yourself, and practice. You will become an expert eventually.
  • Welcome to the certainly have a challenge for sure, but the width (with practice is do-able).

    I'm more concerned with the steepness of your driveway. Be very careful that you don't drag-bottom out when making the transition.

    Certainly have a spotter and work out good communications between the two of you ahead of time. We use our cell phones on speaker to talk to one another in tight situations like yours.

    Good luck with it....and have a second plan for parking your new rig, just in case.