Kayteg1 wrote:
Pull the batteries out and charge them. If they will recharge, than put them back, if not get new batteries.
No need to physically pull the battery (they're heavy suckers), simply disconnect the positive terminals then charge. I'd pull the positive that way you can still ground to the frame anywhere. As long as the second battery is still connected don't let the removed battery cable touch a ground.
I had a similar problem with mine over the winter. If the batteries are completely dead don't be surprised if you throw a couple engine codes. IIRC mine had an network error communicating with the TCM (transmission control module) and pre-heater alert. I just cleared the codes and they didn't come back.
Word of caution, the 12v sockets on the dash are hot even with the ignition off. Anything you leave plugged into there will be a 24/7 drain on the battery. Leaving a 12v to USB adapter and bluetooth module as well as a wireless ODBII reader plugged in is what killed mine. The other side of that is you can plug a solar battery tender into one of those sockets, lay the solar panel on the dash and keep the batteries topped off with that.