Forum Discussion

HMS_Beagle's avatar
Feb 19, 2013

Battery relocation project - BF10.4

At the risk of being accused of trolling (:)) I thought those of you with a BF 10.x might be interested.

I bought my camper without batteries. The original compartment is nice and large with convenient access, right at the starboard aft corner. It seemed a shame to use it for something as mundane as batteries:

Looking around a bit there is some unused room inside for group 27s, but I wanted to use 6V golf cart batteries. There is this access cover on the port forward side with lots of unused room inside. Intended I think for maintenance of the shower P-trap and level indicators? But mainly just unused:

Looked like they would fit in there. A little measurement and sketching and I fabricated this battery tray out of some 1/8 aluminum sheet that was lying around:

  • Nice job....I love the tray!! You took wasted space and made very good use out of it. Good thinking.
  • I like it. I use AGM's on my boat, a Group 24 starting battery for each engine and an 8D for the house. Been thinking of a way to install more battery power in my TC and want to use AGM's here too. Good choice for you.
  • This is what the inside of the compartment looks like:

    There is no structure to the bottom, its just a plastic cover. The tray sits on the sill of the access opening and is thru bolted to the floor at the inboard end. That is how the tanks are mounted as well:

    The batteries have to be stuck through the opening sideways and then stood up inside, little bit of a pain but not bad. You would not want to do this with flooded cells, these are Lifeline AGMs:

    Both batteries installed. There is actually room in there for 4 of these!:

    The batteries are now within a foot or two of the distribution panel which is just above and inboard. I will be installing a Magnum charger/inverter in place of the Parallax ferro resonant charger there. I get to use the aft compartment for something else, and a quick calculation shows I moved the CG of the camper several inches forward by moving 132 lbs from the very back to the very front. Access isn't as good (and you would have to remove the camper from the truck) but with AGM batteries you really only look at them once every few years anyway.