Grit dog wrote:
Tom/Barb wrote:
I use bearing buddies, with a grease zerk in the bearing cap.
Oooohhh better duck. Those are blasphemous words on the ole!
To the OP, have never paid for simple services like that. But with shop rates around $100/hr I don’t think you’ll get anyone reputable to do it for less than a couple hundred.
most of the time the people who mess up jobs with EZ lube berrings (Berring buddys are for boats. yes they were adapted to rv's but I haven't seen them in a long time on a RV) are either using a power greaser or not constantly spining the tire while there pumping it in. or they put three to 5 pumps in and wonder why there berrings fail. I havent had an issue with them in any rv or boar I have owned.